Where and to the extent that both the carrier and the actual carrier are liable, their liability is joint and several. 如果承运人和实际承运人都有责任,则在此责任范围内,他们应负连带责任。
Moreover, in public governance in the actual operation, there are also many problems, lack of citizenship, public liability fuzzy, multi-community conflict, crisis of legitimacy. 而且,在公共管理在实际运行中也存在诸多题目,公民精神的培育、公共义务的模糊、多元社会的普遍冲突、合法性危机等。
The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier, the actual carrier and their servants and agents shall not exceed the limits of liability provided for in this Convention. 从承运人、实际承运人和他们的受雇人和代理人取得的赔偿金额总数,不得超过本公约所规定的责任限额。
Analysis on the Actual Demand of Directors 'and Officers' Liability Insurance in China 我国对董事责任保险的现实需求分析
Mathematical models of industrial enterprises are employed here to work out the industrial assets-liability ratio in terms of trade between the year 1998 and 1999 in China. And a comparison and analysis is made with the actual assets liability ratio of the same year. 运用企业合理资产负债率的数学模型,计算1998年和1999年我国工业企业按行业划分的合理资产负债率数据,并与当年企业实际资产负债率数据进行对比分析。
At first, it analyzed the actual conditions of the basic principle of the implementing form and different kinds of projects and our country project realistic state in building market of our country project quality implementing form liability insurance which should adopt. 根据各类工程的实际情况和我国工程建筑市场的现实状况并结合具体险种采用实施形式的基本依据,分析我国工程质量责任保险所应采用的实施形式。
Identification of the Actual Carrier And Confirmability of His Liability 实际承运人的识别及其责任的认定
The joint liability between actual carrier and carrier is the unreal joint liability. 对实际承运人适用过错推定的归责原则。其中,对承运人与实际承运人的责任承担问题进行了较为详细的阐述,指出承运人与实际承运人之间的连带责任是不真正连带责任。
The Double Attribute of Actual Carrier's Liability 谈实际承运人责任的双重属性
With the conversion to the market economic system, actual performance is no longer an elementary principle of the performance of contracts, but a kind of important formation of liability for breach of contracts. 随着我国经济体制向市场经济体制的转变,实际履行不再是合同履行的一项基本原则,仅仅是一种重要的违约责任形式。
Meanwhile, the author points the deficiencies basing on our country actual situation. By referencing two legal systems experience in the legislative and judicial practice, the author proposes recommendations of breaking the limited liability company deadlock. 同时,笔者在立足本国实际情况的基础上,指出我国关于该问题的不足之处,通过借鉴两大法系的立法和司法实践经验,提出完善我国有限责任公司僵局救济机制的思考和建议。
The actual investors 'liability to the company should be determined on the basis of whether the actual shareholders exercised their rights or not. 实际出资人对公司的法律责任应当根据实际出资人是否实际行使股东权利来确定。
The no-fault liability should be applied to the actual controller such as controlling shareholders, and the fault liability should be applied to the other institution or person. 对控股股东等实际控制人应实行无过错责任原则。对其他做出虚假陈述的机构或自然人实行过错责任原则。
Civil damages because of its inherent defects, the victims often can not hold the actual infringer to civil liability way to get the full amount of the compensation. 民事赔偿因其自身存在的固有缺陷,使得受害者往往不能通过追究实际侵权人的民事责任的途径获得足额的赔偿。
When the actual investors can not exercise shareholders 'rights, the dummy shareholders shall undertake the liability to company. 在实际出资人完全不行使股东权利的情况下,应当由名义股东对公司承担责任。
In deciding the actual investors 'legal liability, we have to respect the party autonomy in private law, and apply the articles of association of the company and the anonymous contribution agreement first. 在确立实际出资人法律责任时,我们要尊重私法领域的意思自治,优先适用公司章程和隐名出资协议中关于实际出资人责任的规定。
In the first focus there exist obvious differences in opinion, some people think that the affiliate units is not actual infringer, so no liability; Another opinion is that affiliate units and affiliate are interested parties, shall be liable. 在第一个焦点中存在明显的分歧,一种意见认为挂靠单位不是实际的侵权人不承担责任;另外的意见认为挂靠单位与挂靠人之间存在利害关系,应当承担责任。
Use the lean production management methods, combined with the actual operation of Henan Luohe tobacco industry limited liability company, Put forward the idea of the implementation of lean management. 运用精益生产管理方法,结合河南中烟工业有限责任公司漯河卷烟厂的实际运行情况.提出了实施精益管理的主张。
Considering that the verification of the actual contributor as the shareholder will also cause damages to human unity of the limited liability company, it is the view of this author in principle that other shareholders are entitled to exercise their preemptive right. 实际出资人的股东资格认定同样会造成有限责任公司人合性的损害,笔者认为原则上,其他股东有权行使优先购买权。
The empirical study shows that, corporate social network and firm performance is negatively related, namely the corporate social network in the actual operation more performance for the corporate social liability. 实证研究结果表明,企业社会网络与企业绩效存在负相关关系,即企业社会网络在实际运作中更多地表现为企业社会负债。
When defining the actual investors 'legal liability to the third party, it is necessary to protect the maximum benefit of the third party acting in good faith. 在界定实际出资人对第三人的法律责任时,应该最大限度地保护善意第三人的利益。
Actual infringer is unable to bear the full liability, the Government should bear the economic law on alternative liability. 在实际侵权人无力承担全部的赔偿责任时,政府理应承担经济法上的替代赔偿责任。
Discussed the new insurance, which combined with actual conditions. Then expatiated introduces the water pollution liability insurance in our country water pollution government frame is necessity and feasibility. 文章结合我国目前水污染的实际状况,阐述了将水污染责任保险引入水污染治理框架的必要性和可行性。
Chartered accountant who involves to the actual case the civil liability proposes own view. 对新近案例涉及的注册会计师民事责任提出自己的看法。